He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”
John 9:25
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like
I once was lost, but now am found; was blind but now I see.
The comforting words of the old hymn are ones which nearly every person who has spent more than one Sunday morning in a church can recite.
The story behind John Newton's writing of "Amazing Grace" is one that is worth reading (see link:Amazing Grace History) but the point isn't the story, but rather it is meaning of the words.
In today's scripture, Jesus has healed a man who was blind from birth. There was a philosophy of the day that if you had an illness or a defect that your sin was responsible - that in fact you were the cause of your own suffering.
Jesus dispels this myth by saying, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." John 9:3
Did you ever think that the reason you face difficulty, hardships and handicaps might be so that God can show His glory through you?
What a thought?!?
All of that junk and stuff you have to go through - God can use it for His glory....
It doesn't make the junk easier - - but there is some comfort in knowing that something good and right will come from your suffering.
The key to allowing our junk to be used for God's glory is recognize that God is in control and that He is always with us. Sometimes we face consequences of our own making and sometimes bad stuff just happens - but either way GOD can make something beautiful - - even out of the most wretched - - even out of us.
We each have a choice - we can stay blind - wallow in our self-pity, muck and mire or we can turn to God and allow Him to wipe away our blindness - to help us to see the beauty He can make in each of us - even me.
John 9
Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together.
Marilyn Monroe
When have you faced a pit - only to see Christ reaching out his hand to steady you as you walk through it?
Jesus dispels this myth by saying, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." John 9:3
Did you ever think that the reason you face difficulty, hardships and handicaps might be so that God can show His glory through you?
What a thought?!?
All of that junk and stuff you have to go through - God can use it for His glory....
It doesn't make the junk easier - - but there is some comfort in knowing that something good and right will come from your suffering.
The key to allowing our junk to be used for God's glory is recognize that God is in control and that He is always with us. Sometimes we face consequences of our own making and sometimes bad stuff just happens - but either way GOD can make something beautiful - - even out of the most wretched - - even out of us.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like
I once was lost, but now am found; was blind but now I see.
We each have a choice - we can stay blind - wallow in our self-pity, muck and mire or we can turn to God and allow Him to wipe away our blindness - to help us to see the beauty He can make in each of us - even me.
John 9
Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together.
Marilyn Monroe
When have you faced a pit - only to see Christ reaching out his hand to steady you as you walk through it?