Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Letting Go...Luke 5:33-39

Out with the old and in with the new.
So often we want to hang on to things of our past - old mementos, clothes that no longer fit, toys we no longer play with - but why? The memories attached to the old things are stored inside of us. The attachment to the old stuff hampers us from moving forward into a new day - it does not allow the room to take in new things - to create new memories.
Our pasts help to create who we are today. The people, places and things we have experienced help to shape how we view the future and how we view the today.

(Have you noticed in life there seems to always be a but...)
As new creations in Christ - set apart by a choice to surrender our lives to Jesus and his grace - our old lives need to be shed so that we can fully embrace our new lives in Christ.

If you continue to fall into the old habits of the past - bad habits that draw you away from allowing Christ to create a brand new version of you - you are just patching up your old life - holding on to the old junk - without allowing Christ the chance to transform you.

Jesus taught this very lesson in Luke chapter 5:
No one tears a piece out of a new garment to patch an old one. Otherwise, they will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old.

Think about all that great new stuff you received for Christmas....
Would you want someone taking an old sweatshirt and sewing a piece of it on to a brand new sweater?
Or how about a new iPod? Would you want someone to try and shove a cassette tape into your iPod?
No - you wouldn't want anyone to 'ruin' your new stuff with your old junk.

The same holds true when we accept Jesus's offer of salvation. We need to let go of our old lives and step into our new ones. The more we try and cling to the things in our past while trying to simultaneously embrace the blessings of Christ we will find our puzzle pieces really don't fit together.

What are you holding onto that is keeping you from fully embracing the joy, grace and peace of Jesus?
What can you release from your grasp so that you can allow Jesus to envelope you in his love?

Only you can answer what is holding you back.
Only you can decide what junk remains in your life.
And only you can decide how to let it go.

Luke 5:33-39

Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.
Herman Hesse

How can you let go today?

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