Sunday, June 9, 2013

Giving God More than An 'Atta Boy...(GUMY SUMMER CHALLENGE Clue #4/Answer #3)

He is my God, and I will praise him,
    my father’s God, and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:2
"You are awesome!"
"You did a great job!"
"I love the way you made it!"
"Atta boy!"
Praising someone can be genuine and honest - coming straight from your heart.
But praise can also be shallow and hollow without any true love or meaning associated with the words.
And most people can tell the difference.
Recently I had someone praise some of my work.
The words were complimentary and encouraging - not overly generous - but they seemed genuine.
A few weeks later, the same person trashed the work.
The reversal of the message - from praise to criticism - left me feeling hurt and angry. 
And with the change - I began to question the praise others had given of the same work and myself.
Words are a very powerful tool.
They can build up or they can tear down.
And they are a tool each one of us possesses.
When we set out to worship God at the center of true worship is a spirit of praise.
And that praise should be filled with honesty, generosity, and a genuine love for the God who created you.
If it isn't....if your praise is shallow and hollow - following the motions of everyone else - God will know.
would not God have discovered it, since he knows the secrets of the heart?
Psalm 44:21
God knows what is truly in your heart.
He knows if the praise you have for Him is true or false.
He only wants your praise if it is given from a heart that loves Him.
Authentic praise is what you were created to do.
But, your heart may be badly broken and torn apart.
You may have suffered pain and anguish that may cloud your ability to praise God with honesty - but He wants you to try.
Even in the midst of a cloudy day we have the great gift of seeing a ray of sun or a beautiful flower. Allow your praise for God to be the sun shining through your dark hours and you will find that as you focus your praise on Him your burdens will seem lighter as He takes them on as His own - Freeing you to praise Him more.
Give God more than an , "Atta Boy..."
Praise Him...Praise Him...
Sing of His excellent glory goodness and wonder.
Praise Him forever more,
Try it...You just might like it.

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
Oprah Winfrey
Clue #4: The answer is the title of the 1st Hymn we sang on Sunday June 9th...(HINT...I've written it a BUNCH in this blog....)
Answer #3: Tell Him, by Lauren Hill

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