"Do you also want to leave?"
Peter replied, "Master, to whom would we go? You have the words of real life, eternal life. We've already committed ourselves, confident that you are the Holy One of God."
John 6:67-69 (MSG)
Here is the worst kept secret in the history of man:
Life isn't easy.
But the crazy thing is - most people expect to find an easy way or a short cut in life. Many people feel entitled to an "A" for little effort. Who wouldn't want that?
But, when some are challenged with the reality of the cost of that "A" - the hard work and study required - people often give up.
In John's Gospel we read of the reaction to Jesus's message that he was the bread of life; that he was the way to heave. Many people were turned off by his imagery of Jesus being the conduit to grace. The thought of having to literally eat Jesus's flesh turned many away. They couldn't see what he was trying to teach them - that he was the ONLY way to get to the Father. He was - and is -the Messiah.
With this teaching at Capernaum, many of Jesus's devoted turned their backs on him. And he was left with the twelve - even though he knew they would not be truly faithful in the end.
In Jesus's message about the bread of life, he was challenging those who claimed to have deep devotion to him. These were followers who had witnessed his miracles - who had seen him heal and who had seen him feed thousands - and yet when one teaching challenged their ability to have faith in what they could not see - they fled.
They didn't have faith in the gift of grace Jesus offered. Those who turned their backs on him in Capernaum were sycophants who wanted the candy of life. They were not looking for the nutrition that Jesus offered. They were people who, like so many today, wanted to pick and choose the pieces of faith that they "liked" but quickly move away when they discovered challenges which were uncomfortable.
Faith in Jesus isn't about always liking the path you are on - but it is about having the faith to trust him each step of the way. Sometimes the choices and direction he will lead you will be bumpy, even treacherous, but the faith that his path for you is better than any path you could create is the key.
The first step is always the hardest - the trusting without seeing. But if we only trust what we can see, our faith in Jesus is no different than the many who deserted him when his teaching challenged them.
Having faith is a choice. And stepping out in that faith - trusting Jesus - is even a harder choice. But ultimately the choice is yours.
Will you be a disciple - - or will you be a sycophant?
Quote of the Day
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Question of the Day
When do you have a hard time believing Jesus and his teaching?