Friday, July 27, 2012

John 6:16-24 - Being Okay in the Fear

...they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened.
John 6:19b 

When was the last time you were afraid? Really, really frightened?
I'll admit that sometimes when I watch certain TV shows I am thankful my sister talked me into getting DVR so I can fast-forward until that moment of frightful tension has passed. I hate being scared or feeling out of control - but ultimately, doesn't true faith have a little fear tagging along with it?

Stepping out in faith, much like the disciples did, takes an enormous amount of trust and willingness to be the passenger instead of the driver. Truly being obedient in Christ means that we can't see what the future holds but we trust that the promises we have in Jesus are worth taking the step.

When I read this passage of scripture I can see the disciples, sailing off into the middle of the Sea (or rather super big lake) of Galilee chatting away. Maybe they were talking about their wives and girlfriends who were back at home. Maybe they were discussing Jesus and how they really didn't understand everything they were seeing. Maybe they were talking about the weather. Regardless of their discussion, I believe they were relaxed doing what they had done since they were children - fishing. Even as the storm approached, they knew how to handle it. They had been in storms their whole lives.

 And then, like some scary movie, they look out into the distance and see someone walking toward them on the water.

I imagine they would have rubbed their eyes a bit - maybe even cried out to God to be rescued - but then they see that it is Jesus. Jesus - this man - this teacher - whom they have chosen to follow is doing the impossible. He is walking on water - in the middle of a storm. I don't know about you but I would have been pretty afraid. If I am truly honest, even though I know all about Jesus, his miracles, his death and resurrection, even though I know all about him, I think I would still be pretty afraid if I saw him walking on the water toward me.

But here is the amazing thing. The disciples - who were rightly afraid - let him into the boat as soon as he said, "It is I. Don't be afraid." (John 6:20)

How often do we not hear Jesus when he says, "I am with you. Do not be afraid."? Too often our human minds take over and we want to control, fix and twist the situation to what we think it should be instead of allowing God to be in control. I am guilty of this more often then I care to acknowledge. But when I do step back - when I do allow that fear to be quieted because I know Jesus is in control - the result is often more than I could have ever wished or hoped for.

God does want to allay our fears. He doesn't want us to be afraid. But in our humanness we need to be okay with just a little fear - because it is that twinge of fear - that desire to fast forward on the DVR - that let's us know that we are not in control but God is.


John 6:16-24

Quote of the Day
“The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, Monk

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