Saturday, November 24, 2012

Being a Tree Firmly Rooted - Jude 17-24

"...keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt"
Jude 21-22
Do you ever doubt?
Do you ever have anyone in your life who makes you question what you believe or why you believe it?
As Christians, we are challenged daily with outside influences. We face the task of trying to filter out the ungodly and the evil from the godly and the good. And the task sounds simple when it is labeled - "good versus evil" but life is rarely that straight forward.
In this world - whether you live in the United States, Europe, Brazil, Vietnam, Liberia, Australia, Canada or even a remote island without electricity - temptations and compromises abound. And often, it can be difficult to discern what is the Jesus choice and what is the earthly choice.
Through out your life - and maybe even today - your faith will be challenged. Beliefs you hold tightly as truth will be shaken by the influences of those you trust and love. This will happen. It has happened to me and it will happen to you. And it will continue to happen through out your life. This challenge is part of being in this world. Our decision to hold on to what we know is true and right is part of our willingness to not be of this world.
Think of a tree.
When a tree is newly planted, the arborist supports the tree with rods and string to ensure that it begins to grow straight and develop a root system. Soon the tree has the support removed and it is allowed to begin growing on its own. But if a thunderstorm with wind passes through - that little tree will likely be toppled because the roots he has started are not deep enough to withstand the storm and he no longer has his outside support system to keep him upright.
Now imagine a tree that is 20 years old.
If the same storm passed by, the tree might bend  and loose a few leaves, but because his root system is deep there is no danger of him being uprooted by the storm.
We are the same as the trees. We need a deeply rooted faith to withstand the challenges of this life.  And we, like that new little tree, often need a support system to help us grow and to keep us from toppling in the storm.
As others challenge your beliefs - and you hold onto your faith and your relationship with Jesus - your goal (and my goal) is to try and share the love of God with the challenger. We are called to love everyone - even those who are trying to undermine the belief structure which is the very foundation of our lives. This is true mercy. And the way only you and I will be able to successfully hold fast to our faith while sharing that faith with the opposition is to be firmly rooted in our relationships with God.
With God's grace put love first in all of your relationships.
 Love helps those roots grow deep.
And love will help you weather any storm.
A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith will bring heaven to your soul.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
How can you help your roots to grow deeper in your faith?

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