Friday, November 16, 2012

The Miracle of Ordinary Days - John 21

The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.
John 21:17

This story in the last chapter of John always breaks my heart.

The story begins after Jesus has already revealed himself to the ladies, his disciples and dozens of others after his resurrection. The disciples - who are likely still overwhelmed with the reality of their beloved teacher resurrecting and dealing with the fact that the majority of them had left him alone to die - are back doing what they know how to do. They are fishing.

Sometimes in the midst of great change and upheaval we need the stability of typical routines to make us feel safe and I believe this is what the disciples were doing. 

Imagine Peter and the guilt he must have been wrestling with? The man he loved was really God and he had denied him not once but three times. He probably felt awkward and uncomfortable and wondered when would Jesus reappear. And if he did, what could he possibly say?

What could he say to the one he loved but yet he had failed?

That night the men didn't catch any fish. As they are heading back in the morning, along comes a 'stranger' who tells them to fish on the other side of the boat. They follow his direction and they are miraculously laden with more fish than they can handle. It is this miracle that opens their eyes to the stranger - to Jesus.

Peter was so excited to see Jesus - Peter was always excited.

He jumped from the boat and swam-ran to shore. The rest of the disciples rowed the boat to shore and they found Jesus making breakfast - just like an ordinary day.

Jesus was back and they were enjoying the company of the one they thought had been lost to them forever.

As they relaxed after their meal, Jesus turned to Peter - the one who had been in his inner circle, the one of whom Jesus said he would give the keys to the kingdom, and the one who had denied him. He turned to Peter and asked him three questions:

“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Simon son of John, do you love me?” 
“Do you love me?”

Jesus is getting to the heart of the matter: Peter - my friend - do you love me?

Why would Jesus ask one of his most beloved disciples this question? He asked because he wanted Peter to know that he had forgiven him and he wanted Peter to forgive himself. He wanted Peter to know that he trusted him - regardless of his past mistakes.

Jesus didn't ask Peter three times if he loved him because Jesus needed to hear it. Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Jesus because he knew Peter needed to say it.
We don't always make decisions that make Jesus proud. These decisions can make us think that we aren't worthy to be in his presence - or worthy of his forgiveness. And in reality - we aren't worthy - we never were and never will be because we are flawed, sin-filled human beings. But being in Jesus' presence isn't about whether or not you are worthy it is about whether or not you are able to receive the love and hospitality he offers and if you are ready to return that love to him.
Those disciples may have caught tons of fish that day - but the miracle of miracles wasn't in the catch.
The miracle of that ordinary day was in the love showered by a forgiving Master to his very flawed disciple and the love the disciple returned to his Master.
The miracle of ordinary days truly is the love we share with an ever present God Who chose to love us first.

John 21

If you took the love of all the best mothers and fathers who ever lived (think about that for a moment)--all the goodness, kindness, patience, fidelity, wisdom, tenderness, strength and love--and united all those virtues in one person, that person would only be a faint shadow of the love and mercy in the heart of God for you and me.
-Brennan Manning

How can you show God the love you have for Him today?

GUMY this Sunday November 18th - Time Change:
GUMY Prep (4th & 5th Grade)  - 4PM
GUMY Dinner (All Ages) - 4:45PM
GUMY JR/SR (6th -12th) - 5:15Pm   

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