Saturday, July 27, 2013

Jesus is your friend ... Are you his? (Catch Up GUMY Challenge Week)

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
John 15:15

When I was about four years old I remember walking down the hall of the education wing of church and seeing a little girl with dark hair wearing a frilly white dress standing near the nursery. Being the shy girl I am – I made a beeline to her, shoved my hand in her direction, and said, “My name’s Courtney. What’s yours?” She placed her hand in mine and gave a shy smile and said, “Mandy.” With that clumsy handshake a friendship that has spanned three decades was born.

Over the last thirty years, Mandy and I have shared countless birthdays, sleep-overs, late night telephone calls, weeping hugs over heart brakes and weeping hugs over new loves. We’ve developed a deep understanding, respect, trust and unconditional love for each other.
We have friendship.
It wasn’t created in breath or overnight – but it has taken years of devotion, dedication and desire to
Friendship – deep in your bones, call-you-at-3-in-the-morning-because-my-car-broke-down

friendship – is fostered through time.

Unfortunately, our culture has reduced friendship to a single click on a website. We talk about friends based on the number we have, rather than the relationship – I have 292 friends, 1,490 friends, 200,000 friends. Today, your friends are distinguished based on the quantity rather than the quality.

But, I wonder if Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of facebook, would call all of his 1.5 million friends if he found out his mother had cancer, or if his wife just announced she was pregnant with their first child, or if the business he created was crashing down around his ears? Or would he call one? 

In John 15:15 Jesus says, I know longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead I have called you friends, for everything that I have learned from my Father, I have made known to you.

Jesus calls us into friendship; not just the duty of servanthood, but a relationship that is deep and abiding. Before he sacrificed himself on the cross, he made a greater sacrifice in leaving heaven and his Father’s side just so he could be in a relationship with you and me. He gave up heaven just so he could be your friend.

Do you know Jesus the friend? Or is he more of a facebook follower – one you click on Sundays but disregard Monday through Saturday?

Jesus desperately wants your friendship – he’s given the time and dedication to it – he’s given his very life for it. Are you willing to take the time to get to know him - as more than a savior - but also as your friend?
“The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared to Jesus Christ.”
 Oswald Chambers
GUMY Summer Challenge....
No challenge question this week...
Be sure to check through previous weeks to catch up.
Last Week's Answer: One Job - is to Love Everyone!
XOXO Courtney

Friday, July 19, 2013

John 7 - Overcoming the Doubters and the Haters (updated)

Jesus' brothers said to him, "You should leave here and go to Judea. Then your disciples will see the kinds of things you do. No one who wants to be well known does things in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world." Even Jesus' own brothers did not believe in him.

John 7:3-5

Can you imagine knowing, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are right?
 Knowing that you are doing all of the right things for all of right reasons, and yet no one - not even your family - believes you?

Would you feel discouraged?
Would you be frustrated - angry even?
Would you be a little depressed?

In the seventh chapter of the book of John we see Jesus facing a time in his earthly ministry when he was surrounded by doubters and haters.

Many of his disciples had abandoned him and he returned to his family for the Festival of the Booths - a time in the Jewish celebratory calendar where the Jews remember their time in the wilderness and thank God for his blessings (Leviticus 23:34,42).

My image of Jesus's heart is one of a tender sadness as I read John 7. I don't recall ever seeing him challenged in such away - outside of the Holy Week.

Some believe he is the Christ - but then they question his lineage- is he really of the House of David? Some are amazed by his teaching - but how could he know so much without being educated?
Some believe he is good and right - while others thinking he is tricking his followers.

I imagine that Jesus - who loved these people with the overwhelming love straight from The Father - was deeply saddened by the lack of belief - by the overwhelming number of doubters and haters.

In my mind I hear the sigh of frustration as he is teaching on one day during the festival when he says, "Stop judging only by what you see. Judge correctly." (John 7:24)

Stop judging only by what you see...

I think he was saying to them - and even to us today - Open your heart and you will KNOW.

Belief isn't knowing what we see. Belief is knowing what we cannot see.

How frustrated must he have been with those who had witnessed his miracles first hand - those who had been in his presence ~ truly been in the presence of God on Earth ~ and yet questioned who he was.

Jesus was still teaching in the temple courtyard. He cried out, "Yes, you know me. And you know where I am from. I am not here on my own. The One who sent me is true. You do not know him. But I know him. I am from him, and he sent me."
John 7:28-29

These people could see, hear and touch Jesus and yet, they didn't truly know him. They knew where he was raised. They knew his mom. They even knew of his miracles.
But they didn't truly know him because they did not know the One - God the Father - who had sent him.

When we come to know Jesus - to truly know Jesus - we know God. They are one in the same.

I can sense Jesus's frustration with those he ministered - the doubters and the haters - even the sometimes believers.

And yet, despite his frustration, his love for each of them was so great he laid down his life for each of them and for each of us so that one day - we can say:

 "I know him. I have seen him with my heart."


Quote of the Day

 It's a great feeling when you have a lot of doubters and you prove them wrong.
Joakim Noah, NBA Basketball Player

Question of the Day

When have you felt the oppostition of people not believing in you?


The answer to this week's clue is what Emmanuelle says is "her job" in her is ALL of our jobs.
Check out this YouTube Clip

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Finding a Blessing in the Suffering....(GUMY Summer Challenge Clue #7 - part 2 of 2)

“God does all these things to a person
    twice, even three times
 to turn them back from the pit,
    that the light of life may shine on them."
Job 33: 29-30
Do you ever wonder why you face trials?
Why people have times of struggle or difficulties?
Job is a man who faced innumerable struggles in the Bible.
He lost his home, his family, his wife, his fortune and his health. He lost everything until all he had left was his relationship with God.
His "friends" thought that Job was at fault - he must have done something wrong. Why else would God be forcing him to suffer?
But God challenges Job's friends and even Job himself.
Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
    Tell me, if you understand.
Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Job 38:4-5
Basically - God is telling Job -
"Dude - you are questioning Me?
Who do you think you are?
I created the WORLD....what have you done?"
Job and his friends were questioning God's will in their lives - assuming the role of judge and jury.
They assumed simply because someone was going through difficulties that person must have done something horrible to deserve the suffering.
But - that's not how God works.
God doesn't punish us with suffering - but He does allow difficult things in our lives to draw us closer to Him.
When life is going well - like it was for Job before his trials - we tend to not rely as heavily on God. But when we face difficulties - illness, job-loss, broken relationships - we are more likely to turn into the arms of the One Who created us.
And - amazingly - even when we are in the midst of a hardship we will be able to count our blessings - trusting in the One Who is always there for us.
May we be strengthened with the understanding that being blessed does not mean that we shall always be spared all the disappointments and difficulties of life.
Heber Grant
Okay we go ...part 2!
Your clue is this...
Just tell me who the recognized founder of Methodism is...
Hint...He wasn't actually a Methodist....
Don't forget - you need BOTH answers (this week's and last week's) to get this Sunday's SUPER prize!
(A $10 iTunes Gift Card!!!!)
I'll be looking for you Sunday (July 14th) morning before church!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Forever is Forever....Clue # 6 (Part 1 of 2 part challenge)

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Matthew 24:35
The word holds so much.
When I was a kid, the time between the start of school in September until my birthday at the end of April seemed to stretch out before me like an endless carpeted pathway. One that was a little rough, a little twisty, and seemingly forever.
Now - the time between September and the end of April seems to jump as quickly as a grasshopper moving from plant to plant.
Forever seemed to get significantly shorter and I all I did was get significantly older.
But in reality, forever remains the same today as it did when I was eight.
By definition, forever means without ending, always, eternally.
Umm...that's a SUPER long time.
But - when we think about God...Jesus...heaven...and all that the promise of grace, the Trinity, salvation through Christ means....well, the only possible definition is FOREVER.
Love that is without end.
Love that is eternal.
Love that is always.
Love that is forever.
We are promised that the salvation granted to each of us through our acceptance of God's Grace and Jesus's sacrifice - FOREVER.
We are promised that heaven and its streets made of gold, angels singing and all around 24/7 worship of God - FOREVER.
Forever...God's love for you...
What more could you ever want?
"Love is forever, and if it doesn't last forever it isn't love."
Dottie Kinealy
Clue # 6 (Part One - TWO WEEK CHALLENGE)
This week's clue is in the is the symbol of the United Methodist church... Here's a hang's behind Pastor Jay on Sunday mornings....
Note: This is a two week challenge! You will need to know this week's answer AND next week's answer to win...a $10 gift card (BIGGEST PRIZE OF THE SUMMER). The prize will be given to the first GUMY who finds me Sunday, July 14th.
Happy Sleuthing!