Saturday, July 6, 2013

Forever is Forever....Clue # 6 (Part 1 of 2 part challenge)

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Matthew 24:35
The word holds so much.
When I was a kid, the time between the start of school in September until my birthday at the end of April seemed to stretch out before me like an endless carpeted pathway. One that was a little rough, a little twisty, and seemingly forever.
Now - the time between September and the end of April seems to jump as quickly as a grasshopper moving from plant to plant.
Forever seemed to get significantly shorter and I all I did was get significantly older.
But in reality, forever remains the same today as it did when I was eight.
By definition, forever means without ending, always, eternally.
Umm...that's a SUPER long time.
But - when we think about God...Jesus...heaven...and all that the promise of grace, the Trinity, salvation through Christ means....well, the only possible definition is FOREVER.
Love that is without end.
Love that is eternal.
Love that is always.
Love that is forever.
We are promised that the salvation granted to each of us through our acceptance of God's Grace and Jesus's sacrifice - FOREVER.
We are promised that heaven and its streets made of gold, angels singing and all around 24/7 worship of God - FOREVER.
Forever...God's love for you...
What more could you ever want?
"Love is forever, and if it doesn't last forever it isn't love."
Dottie Kinealy
Clue # 6 (Part One - TWO WEEK CHALLENGE)
This week's clue is in the is the symbol of the United Methodist church... Here's a hang's behind Pastor Jay on Sunday mornings....
Note: This is a two week challenge! You will need to know this week's answer AND next week's answer to win...a $10 gift card (BIGGEST PRIZE OF THE SUMMER). The prize will be given to the first GUMY who finds me Sunday, July 14th.
Happy Sleuthing!

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