Saturday, August 31, 2013

To Whom Much is Given....

From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
Luke 12:48
When you think about your life...what thoughts run through your mind?
Do you consider yourself blessed or cursed?
I consider myself extremely blessed.
Even if I hadn't been born in a country that was free, or to a family where I was adored, or with advantages I would still consider myself blessed - because I know Jesus.
Everything else - my job, my family, my education...even my country would be nothing if I didn't have Jesus.
But knowing Jesus - being in a relationship requires constant attention.
Attention to my relationship with him as well as attention to the incremental blessings he has given to me.
Recently, I heard someone say that the blessings in my life weren't just for me but they were for everyone I encounter.
I consider the blessing of my relationship with Jesus - as well as the other multitude of blessings -  to be a blessing to share.
Each day I wake up, I have the privilege and responsibility of representing Jesus to the world around me. How I share him and his blessings often is how those around me perceive Jesus - right or wrong my relationship with Jesus is a bridge to help others find a relationship with him.
Some days, when I think about the duty of sharing Jesus with others I get all tangled up inside:
What if I say the wrong thing?
What if I snap at someone?
What if someone I talk to doesn't like my hair - and then doesn't like Jesus?
I know...a little crazy - but honest.
I take the responsibility of sharing the love of Jesus very seriously...
To Whom Much Has Been Given - Much is Required.
I have been given much - I have been give the eternal love of a Savior.
And I am motivated to share that love with everyone I meet so that all of those someones might be given the same gift - and mission.
You have been given much....what will you do with it?
One person can make a difference and every person should try.
John F. Kennedy
Answer to Clue #12: Gold
Clue #13: What were Jesus's final words on the cross.....

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ignoring the Holes to Focus on the Whole

Don’t grumble against one another
James 5:9
When was the last time you fought with your brother or sister?
How about a friend...your mom....a teacher?
Have you ever complained about something in your life not being fair?
Well...if you have you are in a very large with about 7+ billion members.
As humans, we complain. We tend to focus on what we don't have rather than what we have. We see the holes in  life rather than the whole of life. We compare and contrast ourselves to the lives we see around us.
I want a bigger car...
Or I want to be liked like she is...
Or I want to stay out past my curfew....
Or I want the latest iPod...
Or....I want...
Most of our grumbling and dissatisfaction comes because of comparison....because we live in a world where we want to "Keep Up with the Joneses".
We look across the yard and see someone else's life and we begin to see that we want what we don't have...
Not because we need it...but simply because we don't have it.
This desire for things and wants and wishes outside of our lives causes us to step outside of our faith - to pull away from God.
When we begin to grumble or complain about our lives - we are complaining about the gifts God has already blessed us with.
When we fight with our parents because of a perceived restriction; or when we disagree with our siblings; or we want something someone else has  - we are essentially telling God that what He has given to us is not enough.
Complaints - whining - is telling God "Your doing it wrong Big Guy".
Do you want to be the one to tell God He's doing it wrong?
Do you think you have the right?
Instead of focusing on what you don't have, focus instead on the blessings of today.
Even in the midst of the most trying times and the darkest of hours there are specks of light and joy that can be discovered. Sometimes you may need to dig deep in your soul to see them - but I promise those gifts are there.
By focusing on the blessing - you will be given the great gift of patience.
Patience isn't a natural human condition. Patience is something that must be earned through practice and discipline.
By turning from your grumbles and focusing on what is good in your life today you will find that waiting - showing patience - isn't that hard.
Your life is as it should be. The challenges you are enduring are preparing you for something in your life that you can't yet see - but God can. The holes in your life will be filled but something better than you can even imagine.
How do I know?
God knows the whole of your life...I guarantee He will fill in the holes - if you are patient and let him.
“Oh, mansion shmansion. Did Gandhi's house have the largest outdoor trampoline in the tristate area? Did Jesus have a two-acre remote-controlled car track, with mountains to scale and a little village that lit up at night? Not in his Bible.”  
George Saunders
GUMY Challenge
Answer to Clue #11: GOD
Clue #12:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Are You Believing Your Own PR?

“Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”
Galatians 6:4-5 (MSG)
"You are amazing!"
"You are the best student in the 10th grade!"
"You are the prettiest girl on the planet!"
"You are so stupid!"
"Why can't you be more like him?"
Have you ever heard any of these statements directed toward you?
Phrases that build you up...or bring you down?
In the world - even in the Christian world - we tend to idealize individuals - raise them up so high we almost cannot see them anymore. And on the flip side, we like to tear people down to the point that they never seem like they will be able to recover.
PR, baby.
Whether someone is described as too good or too awful has to do with the "spin" or the public relations given to him or her. Often the words people use to describe us - good or bad - are simply that...words.
Words are one of the most powerful weapons in the world.
They can be wielded for good and for evil.
But only you can choose to believe what the words say.
In Paul's letter to the Galatians he was reminding the new believers - and us - to be humble; to recognize that we are all parts of the Body of Christ - no one greater than the other - and no one worse than the other. We each must find our own purpose in God's plan and follow that plan to fruition - not allowing ourselves to be distracted by the lure of the world.
Each of us has an important role to play.
You are important!
Maybe today you are struggling with who you are supposed to be.
Maybe you are questioning what your mission in life is.
Maybe you are feeling a little like a fraud because people keep telling you that you are wonderful.
Maybe you feel a little lost starting a new school year.
Maybe you can't understand why God loves you as much as He does.
Or maybe you are struggling with something you can only share with God.
However you are feeling at this moment - know - above all else - you are LOVED.
You are loved because you are you.
For no other reason.
You are loved...just as you are.
God's love isn't conditional upon whether you are pretty, can dunk a basketball, make straight A's or are the most popular kid in school.
His love has no limits and no conditions.
His love just is.
The world will always try and label you with its own special brand of PR.
Your actions and reactions will be spun and re-spun until you almost forget who you really are.
But always know Whose you are.
You are a chosen child of the One True King.
You are beloved.
And that's no PR.
That's just truth.

 “If you have enough people sitting around telling you you're wonderful, then you start believing you're fabulous, then someone tells you, you stink and you believe that too!”
 Angelina Jolie
GUMY Challenge
Answers #9 & 10 -
MLK: Wants his children to be remembered for their Character
MT: "As long as you have done your best"
CLUE #11
 Here is a little letter to you...from a pretty GREAT ONE...
XOXO Courtney

Saturday, August 10, 2013

You Do the Dreaming....Let God be Your Guide (Double Bonus GUMY Week)


“We both had dreams,” they answered, “but there is no one to interpret them.”
Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”
Genesis 40:8
What is your dream?
Do you dream of being a professional athlete?
Do you dream of writing a novel or of winning an Oscar for acting?
Do you dream of going to college - of falling in love?
What is your dream?
Regardless of your age or level of maturity - you have a dream buried deep within your soul; one that pokes at the corners of your life and seeks to be fulfilled.
So, what are you doing about it?
Are you working toward fulfilling your dream: practicing daily your sport of choice, taking writing or acting classes, studying in school, identifying the qualities of a Christian partner?
Or are you just wishing after the dream...hoping that it may come true but not actively pursuing your dream?
The fulfillment of a dream takes bits of both points of view.
You must dedicate yourself to the hard work needed to drive toward your dream.
But, you also need to have hope - and not put pressure on yourself to barrel ahead toward your dream  - steamrolling everything and everyone in your path.
Dreams are a blessing from God.
They are a gift that can help guide us down the path He has destined for us to follow.
But they aren't a one-time deal: "Here's your dream - now go figure out how to make it come true."
Often, the dream God plants in you as a small child or a young adult start as a seed - an inkling toward what God plans for you. Those seeds act as a catalyst to move you in a direction. But, before you listen to the seeds - you must first seek God's direction on where the next seeds have been planted - and where your path is headed.
We must confirm our dreams - and the path they are leading us down - with the giver of dreams.
We all have dreams. Do not interpretations belong to God?
You have a dream - what is it?
Share it with God.
Allow Him to guide you down the path to what the fulfillment of that dream is.
The end of the road for the dream you have today is greater than even your wildest imagination can create. ...
You just have to let God interpret the meaning of your dream.
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
hey gang - so this week is a double bonus since we missed last week...
There are TWO clues for this week's prize...which means you will need to give me BOTH on Sunday and keep track of BOTH for the final challenge.
Best Wishes, Courtney
Clue #2: Mother Teresa's final quote in this clip says that we should not be disheartened by failure as long as we have....what?