Don’t grumble against one another
James 5:9
When was the last time you fought with your brother or sister?
How about a friend...your mom....a teacher?
Have you ever complained about something in your life not being fair?
Well...if you have you are in a very large with about 7+ billion members.
As humans, we complain. We tend to focus on what we don't have rather than what we have. We see the holes in life rather than the whole of life. We compare and contrast ourselves to the lives we see around us.
I want a bigger car...
Or I want to be liked like she is...
Or I want to stay out past my curfew....
Or I want the latest iPod...
Or....I want...
Most of our grumbling and dissatisfaction comes because of comparison....because we live in a world where we want to "Keep Up with the Joneses".
We look across the yard and see someone else's life and we begin to see that we want what we don't have...
Not because we need it...but simply because we don't have it.
This desire for things and wants and wishes outside of our lives causes us to step outside of our faith - to pull away from God.
When we begin to grumble or complain about our lives - we are complaining about the gifts God has already blessed us with.
When we fight with our parents because of a perceived restriction; or when we disagree with our siblings; or we want something someone else has - we are essentially telling God that what He has given to us is not enough.
Complaints - whining - is telling God "Your doing it wrong Big Guy".
Do you want to be the one to tell God He's doing it wrong?
Do you think you have the right?
Instead of focusing on what you don't have, focus instead on the blessings of today.
Even in the midst of the most trying times and the darkest of hours there are specks of light and joy that can be discovered. Sometimes you may need to dig deep in your soul to see them - but I promise those gifts are there.
By focusing on the blessing - you will be given the great gift of patience.
Patience isn't a natural human condition. Patience is something that must be earned through practice and discipline.
By turning from your grumbles and focusing on what is good in your life today you will find that waiting - showing patience - isn't that hard.
Your life is as it should be. The challenges you are enduring are preparing you for something in your life that you can't yet see - but God can. The holes in your life will be filled but something better than you can even imagine.
How do I know?
God knows the whole of your life...I guarantee He will fill in the holes - if you are patient and let him.
“Oh, mansion shmansion. Did Gandhi's house have the largest outdoor trampoline in the tristate area? Did Jesus have a two-acre remote-controlled car track, with mountains to scale and a little village that lit up at night? Not in his Bible.”
George Saunders
GUMY Challenge
Answer to Clue #11: GOD
Clue #12:
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