Saturday, August 10, 2013

You Do the Dreaming....Let God be Your Guide (Double Bonus GUMY Week)


“We both had dreams,” they answered, “but there is no one to interpret them.”
Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”
Genesis 40:8
What is your dream?
Do you dream of being a professional athlete?
Do you dream of writing a novel or of winning an Oscar for acting?
Do you dream of going to college - of falling in love?
What is your dream?
Regardless of your age or level of maturity - you have a dream buried deep within your soul; one that pokes at the corners of your life and seeks to be fulfilled.
So, what are you doing about it?
Are you working toward fulfilling your dream: practicing daily your sport of choice, taking writing or acting classes, studying in school, identifying the qualities of a Christian partner?
Or are you just wishing after the dream...hoping that it may come true but not actively pursuing your dream?
The fulfillment of a dream takes bits of both points of view.
You must dedicate yourself to the hard work needed to drive toward your dream.
But, you also need to have hope - and not put pressure on yourself to barrel ahead toward your dream  - steamrolling everything and everyone in your path.
Dreams are a blessing from God.
They are a gift that can help guide us down the path He has destined for us to follow.
But they aren't a one-time deal: "Here's your dream - now go figure out how to make it come true."
Often, the dream God plants in you as a small child or a young adult start as a seed - an inkling toward what God plans for you. Those seeds act as a catalyst to move you in a direction. But, before you listen to the seeds - you must first seek God's direction on where the next seeds have been planted - and where your path is headed.
We must confirm our dreams - and the path they are leading us down - with the giver of dreams.
We all have dreams. Do not interpretations belong to God?
You have a dream - what is it?
Share it with God.
Allow Him to guide you down the path to what the fulfillment of that dream is.
The end of the road for the dream you have today is greater than even your wildest imagination can create. ...
You just have to let God interpret the meaning of your dream.
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
hey gang - so this week is a double bonus since we missed last week...
There are TWO clues for this week's prize...which means you will need to give me BOTH on Sunday and keep track of BOTH for the final challenge.
Best Wishes, Courtney
Clue #2: Mother Teresa's final quote in this clip says that we should not be disheartened by failure as long as we have....what?

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