Saturday, December 24, 2011

Finding the Treasure in a Social Media World

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19

I tend to be an over-sharer. I tell people things they don't really want to know - or need to know for that matter. In a world filled with facebook and twitter, we find that our lives are now public all of the time. A simple thought can become a viral social message. A drive in the car can become a YouTube phenomena. Accomplishing a truly private moment is nearly impossible in our modern age, but it is something we are called by God to do.

Quiet times, times where it is just you and God, are vitally important to your life and your growth as a person in Christ. In these precious moments we are able to discern God's mission and message for us. Without the distraction of the outside world and the constant barrage of updates and live feeds, we are able to hear God and to ponder what He is telling us. These moments will become treasures unlike any amount of gold, francencense or myrrh.

When the shepherds came to visit Jesus, they told she and Joseph the amazing story of the angels visiting them - proclaiming the birth of her son. I imagine she smiled and nodded at their dramatic retelling of the story, commenting little on the details. Even though she had experienced countless supernatural miracles in her short life, she likely remained quiet in the midst of the strangers coming to worship her little baby, rather she listened and mentally recorded each of the precious stories surrounding her son's birth so that one day she would be able to share the gems with others. In the midst of all of the struggles she was facing, Mary did not share all of her worries or feel the need to "talk out her plans", rather, she went heart-ward and pondered all that had happened in the past nine months in her heart. She went to her faithful Holy Father and allowed Him to show her the way.

Sometimes we need to "talk it out". We need to vent our frustrations or share exciting news, but we can learn from Mary's quiet discoveries during the time of Jesus' birth and early childhood. We can learn how to simply be with God and how to allow His plan to unfold like a treasure map leading us to the precious gifts He has for each of us in this life.


Quote of the Day

Watches, cars and Christians can all look chromed and shiny. But watches don't tick, cars don't go and Christians don't make a difference without insides. For a Christian, that's the Holy Spirit.
Tim Downs

Question of the Day

When can you find quiet time today with Jesus?

Christmas Eve Service - TONIGHT- ONE NIGHT ONLY- 7:30PM - Candlelight service
Groveport UMC - 512 Main Street
Invite a friend...we would love to celebrate with you!

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