Thursday, December 1, 2011

Transformer or Conformer

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[a] the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:17-18

When I was a kid we had the original Transformers. They were robot toys that turned into cars or boats and they even had their own Saturday morning cartoon. The Transformers of the eighties were not as flashy or exciting or even as realistic as the Transformers of the 21st Century, but the premise was pretty much the same: Robots that can transform their bodies into something completely different from their original form.

Transformation is constantly happening in each of us. We are all, Christian and not-yet-Christian, in a state of transformation. We are either being transformed by the Spirit of Christ into the image of the One Who saved us or we are being transformed by the world which condemned Him.

For Christians, the transformation which takes place in each of us through Christ’s spirit is similar to how the Transformers twist and turn themselves into a new creation, only we transform from the inside out. When a Transformer changes shape, it does so because it needs to transform its shape to overcome the obstacle it is facing. The same is true for each of us in Christ. Our spirits are constantly being transformed to be more and more like Christ so that as we face new challenges, we can reflect the image of Christ to the world.

Unlike the Transformers, we may not be able to see at first glance who the Spirit of Christ is transforming, but we will know by the reflection of each person’s actions in love, peace, joy, hope and generosity that he or she is being transformed by Christ.
Similar to a transforming Christian, a person who is being transformed by the world may not be recognizable when you first see him or her, but the actions of that person will reflect the attitude and values of the world which is shaping him or her.

Transformation is happening all of the time. Each of us is shaped by experiences, trials, successes and failures. How our spirits chose to be transformed by the peaks and valleys of life will determine if we are being transformed by the Spirit of Christ or being conformed to the ways of the world.

You have a choice to either be a transformer for Jesus or a conformer for the world. Only you can decide which transformation you will make.


Quote of the Day
“The Holy Spirit is God at work—creating, speaking, transforming us, living within us, working in us.”
Michael Morrison

Question of the Day

How can you better reflect the Holy Spirit to the people you see today?

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