Halloween is a time for dressing up as someone else. Maybe you were a favorite TV character or a sports guy; maybe you dressed up like a princess or a witch. Whoever you chose to be is likely someone you wish you could be - even if only for one night.
Halloween is just one day of the year, but all too often we are wearing masks in our lives. We put on the masks of the people others want us to be or who we think we should be to be a part of a group or a clique. What mask are you hiding behind?
Are you afraid to show who you truly are because you fear that those around you will not like you or accept you? Are you afraid that you won't be good enough or smart enough; cool enough or wealthy enough? Or are you afraid that you is not enough?
Maybe you are afraid that you are not enough for even yourself...
Masks are a very tempting accessory. They come in all shapes and sizes - - some masks come in the form of sarcastic remarks about another student and some masks are about having the right clothes. Some masks are about being the "jock" while others are about being the teacher's pet. Some wear masks that hide them in a corner and some where masks which thrust them in the spotlight. Regardless of the mask you wear - - no mask is truly a reflection of who you are. Masks cover and can block out the light shining from within.
The masks we wear can tug on our hearts. They can begin to twist us and shape us into different versions of ourselves - versions where the outside has little to no resemblance to what the inside once was. As safe as the mask may seem, it cannot protect you from the world; and it cannot protect you from who you are created to be.
God created you. He formed your outside as well as your inside and He called it good and beautiful.
The Creator of the Universe - - The One Who has seen all and been all anointed you as good and beautiful.
God doesn't think you need a mask - - so why do you think you need to hide behind an image you think the world wants to see?
Try facing the world with your own beautiful facing shining brightly - - Stop hiding - - you might be amazed at the joyous reaction your light will bring.
Fun Fact
The main reason and the only real reason for people wanting to wear masks back in the day was to conceal their identity. That is why we use the word masquerade and the word mask comes from this. It means to disguise yourself and to hide who you really are.
Question of the Day
What did you dress-up as for Halloween this year?