Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Yeast in the Dough....

Do you know how to make a loaf of bread?

You start with warm water and then you add yeast and a little sugar to the water. Once the yeast "activates", you add the watery yeast to flour and begin to stir.

The dough will begin to come together into a sticky ball. From there you turn the dough out onto a floured board and you start to knead the dough. The kneading helps the yeast to create strands which will cause the dough to expand.

Once you are done kneading the dough, you turn the dough into a bowl and let it sit in a warm location. While there the dough will grow and expand - and then you punch the dough down and let it rise you are ready to bake the dough into bread.

Our faith is kind of like the yeast in the dough. It needs some time to grow and to activate. Our faith needs to be used to expand and often needs the hands and feet of other people to stretch beyond the original size.

 From there we need to take some time alone to study and come to know Jesus one on one.

We may even get knocked down a time or two but if our faith has been properly developed, we will bounce back and our faith will help us to grow stronger.

And just like bread, our faith can help to nourish others.

Are you ready to bake some bread?


Fun Fact
Nearly 9 million loaves of bread are sold in the UK each day...
There are roughly 59 Million residents in the UK versus the 300 Million who live in the US...
Imagine how many loaves of bread we consume each day in the United States...

Question of the Day
What is your favorite kind of bread?

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