Friday, October 28, 2011

Becoming like your Father

When you were very little, you relied on your parents for everything. You needed them to feed you, to change you, to help you walk and to help you talk. Your parents were your lifeline to the world.

As you grew, you discovered you were able to do things on your own. You know what you like to eat and when you like to go to bed. You know how to speak so you can ask for what you need. And occasionally you can even pick out your own outfit.

As you discovered your ability to be independent from your parents, you likely began to test your limits - to see how much room your parents would give you to go out on your own. With each test against your boundaries you either found success or you discovered failure. And with each test you discovered more of your parents' wisdom in their guidance. As you continue to explore your boundaries in life you will probably discover that obedience to your parents' rules and instruction will give you the greatest chance for success. They have your very best interests at heart and always want you to succeed.

Similarly, as we go through life, our best interests are served when we obey the guidance and boundaries set for us by God. Through our obedience we conform to be more in God's image. We take on His characteristics of love, joy, peace, patience, self-control...holiness. In this transformation process, we find that our lives, although not necessarily easier, will be filled with a true sense of hope and peace, because God has each of our best interests at heart.

How often have you heard, 'You are just like your mother (father)'?

Wouldn't it be amazing to hear, 'You are just like your Heavenly Father.'?

1 Peter 1:13-25

Quote of the Day
"Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one." Marianne Williamson

Imagine - if the each individual in the world transformed to be like different would the world be?

Question of the Day
What is the one rule your parents have which you know is the very best thing for you to follow?


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