Monday, August 29, 2011

20 days....Kindness

Are you a kind person?

Not a ‘one of a kind’ person – each of you is an original – but are you kind?

Kind is a description – an adjective – it is a part of your character; to be kind means to be of a “good or benevolent nature” or “to be considerate or helpful”.

So, are you kind?

Kindness is one of the true characteristics which align us with God. Throughout the Bible there are references to God’s kindness. For the Hebrew people showing the kindness of God implied that an individual was gentle and loving – with no strings attached; giving love without expecting anything in return (sound familiar?).

So, are you kind?

When you help someone – maybe a friend at school with homework or your mom make dinner or your younger sister play a game – do you do it without thinking about yourself first? Do you give freely without trying to get “repaid” or worrying about what is “fair”?

So, are you kind?

Kindness is our ability to be God’s hands and feet here on earth. Through our kindness to others – our willingness to give without expecting anything in return – we are sharing the love of God with those around us. And in the process helping to move those people closer to a relationship with God.

So, are you kind?

Today, you have the opportunity to, “show… unfailing kindness like the LORD’s kindness as long as I live"(1 Samuel 20:14 {NIV}).

You have the ability to share God.

So, are you kind?

Scripture (Click on the link below)…Isaiah 63:7-9 (NIV)

Fun Fact #13
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes(Hey, are you still awake?)
Question of the Day…Who showed kindness to you today (or yesterday)?

(Answer below in the COMMENTS section….)

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1 comment:

  1. my friend danielle called me yesterday and just let me chat out some concerns and then she gave me some great advice!
