Friday, August 19, 2011

30 Days - Umm...Did someone say FRIDAY!!!!!!

30 Days – Friday!!

It is Friday! Are you ready for the weekend?
I bet if this was your first week back to school, today felt like it would never come – BUT – if you are starting school next week today came way too quickly.

Here’s the thing – time never changes…a minute is 60 seconds and an hour is always 60 minutes and a day is always 24 hours…And Saturday is the same amount of time as Monday – even though Saturday seems to go SO MUCH QUICKER!
What changes is our emotional attachment to time…

When we are excited about something the waiting for it to happen seems to take forever! But when we dread something, time seems to speed up.

Our goal should be to treat every day like a Friday – something to anticipate and live to the fullest!
Every day is a gift from God.

Every four years is called a leap year – but do you know what the other years are called?
Common years – so this is Common Year 2011!

What is your favorite thing about Fridays?
 (Don't forget to post your response to the question of the day - - and check back later to see what others have said!)

SCRIPTURE QUOTE FOR THE DAY: (click on the link below)

1 comment:

  1. My favorite thing about Fridays is being done for another week with work - especially when I feel like I have accomplished something.
