Friday, August 26, 2011

23 Days...Everyone Wants Him...

Can you imagine being Justin Bieber? His life must be crazy. He is touring or writing music. He is recording music or meeting with fans. He is constantly on the go being torn in a thousand different directions with very little "down time".

Being "wanted" by millions of fans must be daunting, but did you ever stop to think how Jesus felt?

In Mark 1:35, Mark tells us that one morning, after Jesus had healed many, including Peter (Simon's) mother-in-law, he went off alone to pray. Jesus took time to refocus and listen to what God wanted.
After a little while, Peter and some of the others went to look for him, to bring him back to Capernaum. Peter told him that everyone was looking for him.

Everyone was looking for Jesus because they had become big fans of his. They wanted to see more healings, more miracles. They were hooked.

And if Jesus was simply just a human carpenter, he probably would have stayed in Capernaum and tried to please all of the fans. But, because Jesus was focused in prayer on what God the Father wanted, he tells his disciples, "We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too. That is why I came.” (Mark 1: 38).

Everyone wanted Jesus. It would have been easy for him to allow others to dictate what he should or shouldn't do. But instead, Jesus was always in touch with the Father and able to fulfill His will rather than the desires of dozens.

It would be really easy in your life to allow some praise from classmates or friends to pull you into what they want you to do, rather than what God wants you to do. It's fun to feel like Justin Bieber - the most popular kid - even if it is only for a minute or two. But, you must try to resist the "call" of your fans, and listen for the call of the Lord. He will guide you and keep you where He wants you to be.
It's not easy to resist sometimes, but you have God on your side to help keep you focused and on the right path.

Fun Fact:

The bible is actually made up of 773,692 words and would take someone 70 hours to read!

...So if you start when you get home from school on Friday night and read (without sleeping) you might finish before you need to leave for school on Monday!

Scripture...(click on the link below!)
Mark 1:33-39

Question of the Day...

What is your favorite thing to do when it is super quiet in your house?

(Want to comment? Ask your parents for help!}


  1. I love to read...

    One of my very favorite things to do is to curl up in bed and read a book.

  2. Alex and Brady actually want to play a video game or have the tv on so they don't feel alone. Guess they are not used to quiet....
