Thursday, August 18, 2011

31 Days....

31 days…and counting…
Hmm…a couple of you have started school already and the days are getting shorter. God is doing new things each moment and I am so excited to hear what all He has been doing in your life.

I was thinking this morning that we are nearly 2/3 through with the 1st year of the 2nd decade of the 21st century…Crazy how time flies – but still one thing is universally true. God is ALWAYS in control – and He will make good of all things for those who love Him. As you prepare to go back to school (or even as you are settling in to your new classes) don’t sweat the small stuff – God is in everything and He will make good even out of the most difficult situations.

The word “Christian” only appears 3 times in the Bible.
Guess a label doesn’t make a person – it is the belief that makes the person.

Who is your favorite Superhero?
(Don't forget to share your answers in a post!)

SCRIPTURE QUOTE FOR THE DAY: (click on the link below)

1 comment:

  1. My favorite Superhero is Superwoman - did you catch those bracelets!
