Saturday, August 20, 2011

29 Days….the best of times...the worst of times

When I was a kid, Saturdays were the best of times and the worst of times.

They were the best because…
Saturdays were the only days we had cartoons to watch, but we had the best cartoons – like the Smurfs and the Snorkels and even old standards like Tom & Jerry.
On Saturdays we would occasionally get doughnuts or have a special breakfast.
And on Saturdays we were able to slow down and do fun things like play in the backyard or go to my grand-parents’ house or go to a town event.
Saturdays were the worst of times because before we could watch cartoons or go do the fun stuff outside, we had to clean the house.

I hated the chore (and still do), but whenever I was finished dusting the living room or cleaning my room I would feel a sense of accomplishment I wanted to share with my parents or my sister. Even today, I have a sense of peace when I have accomplished a goal or a task – even one as small as cleaning my room. And that is what I look forward to on Saturdays – the sense of peace in accomplishing a task. It is what we should feel each day we live. We were put on this earth to work – to do the tasks and achieve the goals God has put before us….so as you begin this Saturday I pray that you will find the sense of peace in accomplishing the tasks God set before you this week. Relish that gift – because beginning next week – God has new plans to set in motion for you!

Fun Fact #4:
50 Bibles are sold every minute…

The Word is the most desirable book in the WORLD!

Question of the Day:
What is the best thing about Saturdays to you?
(….post your answer below….)

Scripture Quote of the Day:
1 Corinthians 3:5-9


  1. Brady says, "Baseball games and Flag Football are the best things about Saturdays"
    Alex isn't here, he is with the Boy Scouts, so that is probably his answer, camping with the Boy Scouts! And he would also say, I think, SLEEPING IN!

  2. Austin says Saturdays are good because both parents are home and we have fun. He also agrees with the fact that cleaning on Saturday is a pain!
