Tuesday, September 13, 2011

5 Days...Not easily broken

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

You all know the girl code: Girls always go to the bathroom in pairs...or groups....

But it isn't just a girl code...most of us do not like to be alone. We don't want to go to a party by ourselves, or go out to dinner alone. Many people aren't comfortable living alone or going shopping by themselves. We like to be with other people. Most of the time we find joy spending time with those we love or those we are learning to love.

But being connected with others is more than simply going out to eat or going to the bathroom in pairs; Being connected is how God created us to be. Our lives are meant to be intertwined; knotted together to form a beautiful tapestry and woven inseparably to create a force of strength and support.

We need one another, not just for friendship or companionship, but we need each other for support - we need each other to experience the fullness of life.

When something really great happens to you - like winning a softball game or getting an A on a test or getting a part in the play - what is the first thing you do?

If it is me, I call my mom or my dad or my sister to tell them about the amazing thing that has just happened to be - because sharing my joy with them increases the joy.

How about the opposite? When something not so good happens - like getting cut from the basketball team or breaking your arm or getting picked on by a bully - what do you want to do first?

If it is me, I call my mom or my dad or my sister because I know that they will support me and love me regardless of what has happened - because sharing my pain with them decreases the hurt.

God created us with a place in our hearts that only He could fill - but He also created each of us with an innate need for each other - for human companionship. He formed you, you parents, your friends, even your classmates, to be woven cords to support each other.

But the cord is a three braided cord - one for you - one for another - and one for Jesus. True support - true joy - comes from having Christ intimately woven in each of your relationships - each of your connections with another person.

God gave each of us a rainbow of people in our lives. Ask Him to be the strand that weaves all of you together in love.

Scripture (It's a two-for day...)

Fun Fact...Top 10 GUMY Memories...
#5 Friendship Bracelets...

About two years ago, we used Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 for a youth lesson. Each of the GUMY's braided a friendship bracelet to give to a friend or a family member. They picked two of the three colors - with the third color representing God.

A few weeks later, a special young lady handed me an envelope and inside was a letter and my own friendship necklace. I still keep that necklace wrapped around my pocket Bible (I still have the letter too) as a reminder to keep God at the center of all of my relationships.

It's super cool when I am a student and am taught by one of the GUMY's using one of our lessons.

Question of the Day...

What was your high moment of the day? (or this week?)

Love to read your comments...if you would like to comment below...and aren't signed in...you can simply click on the "Name/URL" in the drop down box and then write in your name (leave the URL blank)


  1. My highlight was getting a call that Brady won "People's Choice" for the Legopalooza at the Pickerington Library. Yay for Brady!!!

  2. That is AWESOME! Go Brady
