Friday, September 23, 2011

Service vs. Duty

Everyday someone is serving you. Your parents wake you up for school or make you breakfast. The bus driver drives you; your teacher educates you; your classmates help you learn a new lesson; the janitor cleans your classroom and your bathrooms at school; firefighters are watching out for you; police officers are keeping your street safe; and soldiers are fighting for your freedom. You have more servants serving you than you could possibly count in one day.

Who are you serving?

How do you act as a servant to your parents, your siblings, your friends, your teachers, or your community?

"Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people" (Ephesians 6:7)

Each time you perform an act of service you are serving the Lord as much as you are serving another person. How differently would you feel about helping someone in your family do the dishes or clean the house if you thought about helping as serving Jesus? Whenever we make a decision to help - to serve others - we make a decision to serve the Lord.

However, service is not duty. Rather, service is a reflection of the love we have been given by Christ and our desire to share that love. If you perform your "service" merely as something to check of a list or because you are required, you are acting out of duty. Truly serving - serving wholeheartedly - means serving another out of the loving service Christ has shown to you.

We have a lot of duties in life: homework, work - work, cleaning, etc. How could those duties be transformed if we chose to fulfill those duties as acts of service?

Today is a new day - - filled with awesome opportunity...

How will you serve Jesus, by serving another?


Fun Fact:

Today, there are approximately 155,000 active career fireman and 920,000 volunteer fireman nationwide serving you.

Question of the Day:

What is your favorite family activity and why?

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