Friday, January 27, 2012

Onward Soldier...Putting on the Full Armor of God

In "church circles" there is a phrase we often hear, "Put on the full armor of God".

This phrase - this challenge - comes from Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus. He is giving the faithful a visual image of how to be fully enveloped in the wholeness of God so that they can withstand the trials they will face.

We too can take this imagery, even though we do not have modern centurions, the imagery of how to completely take on the mantle of God is a good starting point.

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist:
A belt keeps your pants up - keeps your outfit secure - just like the Truth of Who God is and Who He claims for each us to be give our lives structure and support. Truth is our security.

the breastplate of righteousness in place:
A breastplate protects your heart and your lungs and righteousness is the state of being pure or holy. God's breastplate protects our hearts and allows us to live a pure life - holy - and devoted to Him.

feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace:
We, as Christians, are called to spread the Word of God; to share His love and His grace with the entire world - but we are called to do this not by force but through peace. The sharing of God's Word - being missionaries in this world - means two things. One, you need to get up and move out of your circle of comfort and share God's message with new people. Two, you must go out into the world with a peaceful attitude. You can't force someone to believe what you believe - that isn't true conversion, but capitulation. When you go in peace you know that God guides your steps.

take up the shield of faith:
Our faith is our protection against everything this world has to throw at us. Through our faith we can be assured that God is Who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do. We do not doubt - we know. Faith is believing in what you cannot see and knowing that it is truth.

Take the helmet of salvation :
We put on the "helmet of Salvation..." because we know without a doubt that we are saved - not by our works but through Christ. 

and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
We study the Word that we can know God's will through the history of how He has acted in the past and through His promises for the future. The sword of the Spirit is powered by that knowledge

Putting on the full armor of God takes time. We don't just wake up one morning completely clothed. We learn - just as we learned as children to dress ourselves through practice and study - how to put the armor on and how to wear it each day.

Each piece is important and each piece will guide into a deeper commitment to Christ.

And as you assemble the armor, you can almost hear Him whispering,
"Onward Soldier, Onward we go. There is much to be done. Put on the full armor so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."


Quote of the Day

“God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight.”
Reggie White
Question of the Day
When you think of armor - what vision comes to mind?

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