Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.
Hebrews 13: 1-3
What does it mean to be empathetic to others?
Empathy is a fancy word for feeling what other people feel. To empathize with someone means that you feel what they feel; that you truly understand what that person is enduring.
Sometimes it can be very difficult to walk in someone else’s shoes. We want to understand the hardship of a friend or even a stranger, but the situation of our lives is so different it becomes difficult to truly understand where that person is coming from or the hardships another is experiencing.
To truly empathize with another is a hallmark of the Christian faith. We are called to live our lives with both the head and heart knowledge of the suffering and needs of others. When we see someone in pain we are called to empathize with them, not so that we too will be in pain, but so that we are motivated to help change the situation. When we remember others who are less fortunate than we are it helps us to understand how much we have to thank God for and we are inspired to share our blessings with those who have less than we do.
At times, empathizing with others’ misfortunes can be almost debilitating. Our heart will literally break for kids who are hungry, moms who are sick, dads who are out of work and people who are depressed. Empathizing is hard, but Jesus calls us to rely upon Him even in the most trying of circumstances.
The world is a hurting place and the love you share on behalf of Jesus can be like a healing salve on an open wound. You have the ability to walk along someone and help share their burden, even if that person is thousands of miles away. Each time you empathize with another in pain whether through prayer, acts of service, hospitality or gifts, you share the love of Jesus.
And in sharing the love of Christ, you may be surprised, that you have entertained angels!
Sometimes it can be very difficult to walk in someone else’s shoes. We want to understand the hardship of a friend or even a stranger, but the situation of our lives is so different it becomes difficult to truly understand where that person is coming from or the hardships another is experiencing.
To truly empathize with another is a hallmark of the Christian faith. We are called to live our lives with both the head and heart knowledge of the suffering and needs of others. When we see someone in pain we are called to empathize with them, not so that we too will be in pain, but so that we are motivated to help change the situation. When we remember others who are less fortunate than we are it helps us to understand how much we have to thank God for and we are inspired to share our blessings with those who have less than we do.
At times, empathizing with others’ misfortunes can be almost debilitating. Our heart will literally break for kids who are hungry, moms who are sick, dads who are out of work and people who are depressed. Empathizing is hard, but Jesus calls us to rely upon Him even in the most trying of circumstances.
The world is a hurting place and the love you share on behalf of Jesus can be like a healing salve on an open wound. You have the ability to walk along someone and help share their burden, even if that person is thousands of miles away. Each time you empathize with another in pain whether through prayer, acts of service, hospitality or gifts, you share the love of Jesus.
And in sharing the love of Christ, you may be surprised, that you have entertained angels!
Quote of the Day
Meryl Streep
Question of the Day
Ask yourself today, who needs what only I can offer? It is within your power to supply that need.
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