Friday, November 4, 2011

Following the Signals...

Green. Yellow. Red.

These three colors are synonymous with: go - caution - STOP. They are used in traffic lights to keep order and to avoid accidents, pain and chaos. They are symbols for how much of the world thinks about everyday life – from driving a car to completing a project – but what about our spiritual life?

There is an old story of a man who is in the middle of a flood and he is sitting on top of his house convinced that God will save him. First a boat comes along and offers him a ride, but he says, “No God is going to save me – I will wait for God.” Next a helicopter comes and lowers a ladder, but he waves it off, saying, “Nope, I will wait for God to save me.” Finally, the river water runs so fast and so deep he is overtaken and he drowns. When he gets to heaven he asks God, “Why didn’t you save me?” God replies, “I sent a boat and a helicopter – why didn’t you get on board?”

How often do we miss the opportunities or the direction God is giving us? There are signs all around us – messages from God – which inspire us to make choices in our lives. The key to interpreting the signs is being aware that they exist.

Often, we walk around with our eyes focused solely on the expected outcome of a task or a desired end goal without seeing the possibilities around us and we miss the yellow caution sign from God to not go a certain way. Or maybe we miss the green – go this way – sign from God and miss out on an integral part of His plan for our life today – causing us to wait for a blessing. Or maybe we miss the big, red sign, urging us to stop before we head down a wrong path and we take a turn away from God down a dark alley.

God has His traffic lights posted all around us. We need to be active drivers – paying attention to all of the signals – to ensure that we are continuing on the path God has intended for us. Sometimes the green light will lead you through a difficult journey and sometimes the red light will cause you to wait in the same spot longer than you would like, but either way paying attention to the signals will translate into a life richly blessed by God.

Watch for the lights today. God has it all planned out – you just have to follow the signals.


Quote of the Day
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
Mother Teresa

Question of the Day
When have you seen a clear sign from God?


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